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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220751-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939-1944
Country: Canada,England,France,Iran,United Kingdom,USA
Location: London,Normandy,Paris,Quebec,Tehran
TC Begins: 14:30:57
TC Ends: 14:41:52
Duration: 00:10:55
WWII - 1944, The French Campaign R1 of 2 Stock shots pre-war Paris - Eiffel Tower - Madeleine - people walking in streets, pavement cafe - artist in Tuileries - art on display in streets - bookshop. Sign Congrès des Ecrivains - meeting of renowned writers. 14:33:10 Night shots Paris - traffic - neon signs - Moulin Rouge. Interior nightclub - wealth and glamour. Woman guitarist. 14:33:40 Mobilization placards are posted in 1939 as war is declared on Germany. Civilians dig air raid shelters and sandbag buildings. Newspaper headlines announce the fall of Poland and the invasion of the Low Countries. 14:34:16 German motorized forces roll through France. German troops march into Paris under the Arc de Triomphe as Parisians weep. Hitler & Goering enter Paris in open-top car. Classic shot Hitler in front of Eiffel Tower. Nazi flag flies from tower. 14:35:06 Pres. Roosevelt addresses Congress. American volunteer workers prepare packages for French relief. US troops drill, shipyards, factories turn out guns and tanks, factory - aircraft production. Atlantic convoy. 14:36:56 1943 - President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill confer in Quebec. 14:37:11 Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Molotov and Marshall in Tehran. 14:37:33 Map showing German fortifications - gun emplacements - tank traps etc. Rommel inspects Atlantic wall. 14:38:21 Allied planes in formation. RAF aircraft in flight over sea - interior cockpit. Dogfight - German fighter shot down. Allied planes drop bombs over France? 14:39:15 England - Stockpiles of equipment for D-Day. 14:39:36 London - June 1944 - High command planning meeting - Gens. Montgomery and Eisenhower plan the European invasion at headquarters. 14:39:50 Allied planes take off on bombing missions over French coast. Gun camera, GSAP footage - Strafing German train. Building explodes. Strafing German planes on the ground. 14:40:40 06Jun1944 - D-Day invasion - British and American warships shelling coastline of France. Rocket guns fired. Animated map showing invasion route. Allied forces land on beaches of Normandy. German film showing Nazi troops shooting at allies from bunker. US troops advance. WW2; French Daily Life; Fighting;