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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220468-72
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: England,Germany,Russia,United Kingdom,USA,USSR
Location: Moscow,PlYMOUth,Potsdam
TC Begins: 02:29:32
TC Ends: 02:31:54
Duration: 00:02:22
WWII - 1945, Conferences: Potsdam; Soviet Military; Byrnes Ultimatum To Japan; Truman w/ King George Main title: Movietone News, eagle over military montage. 02:29:45 Intertitle: Japan’s Doom - Russia Enters War Against the Japs. 02:29:56 Potsdam Conference w/ High Angle / HA delegates at table signing paperwork & posing in garden as narrrator, Lowell Thomas, says that Russia agrees to declare war on Japan to end war in Pacific after ultimatum from China, USA & British had been rejected by Japanese. Byrnes, Truman. Stalin. Truman, Byrnes, Molotov & Stalin together posing. 02:30:25 Josef Stalin w/ Georgy Malenkov watch Soviet military equipment & troops parade. 02:30:50 26Jul45 Secretary of State Byrnes ultimatum / warning speech to Japan, SOF: “My hope is that the people of Japan will now realize that further resistance to the forces of the nation, now united in the forces of law & justice, will be absolutely futile. There is still time, but little time, for the Japanese to save themselves from the destruction which threatens them”. 02:31:19 Intertitle: President Truman Visits King George. Truman boards British naval ship & greeted by King George VI on way back from Big Three / Potsdam Conference. Reviews troops. At Plymouth w/ Byrnes & King. Handshakes. WW2; Speeches; Royalty; Diplomacy; Threats; Diplomats; 1940s;