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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220776-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
Location: New York,NY
TC Begins: 13:02:11
TC Ends: 13:14:14
Duration: 00:12:03
Zipper - Let’s Bomb the Soviets - Movie Theatre Nov48 NY Times moving sign (zipper) re Cold War: “Stalin blames Britain US and France for failure to solve Berlin dispute - charges West follows warmongering policy but discounts possibility of new world conflict. Stalin flays former British Prime Minister Churchill as ‘Chief Instigator of war”. Then: “Read the New York Times.” Western diplomats describe Stalin’s attack on Allied powers as propaganda statement. Britain US and France halt heavy flow of Western marks out of Berlin. “ People in street looking at moving electric sign. 13:08:17 Men in bar talk about bombing USSR with atomic bombs; newspaper headline “European peace bid rejected by Soviet”. 13:11:53 people queue and buy movie tickets - very good cinema theatre entrance hall & ticket booth. Audience watching film.