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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220460-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Buffalo,Ft. Lewis,Harlem, New York City,NYC,San Francisco, California,Seattle, Washington
TC Begins: 07:15:45
TC Ends: 07:20:04
Duration: 00:04:19
Pre-WWII - 1940, USA Homefront: Draft Related; Soldiers Training; Ship Launch; Willkie Campaign Intertitle: He’s In the Army Now! Draftees in line, MCUs smiling, filling out forms. Into registration office. Boxer (?) shakes hands w/ official; men in western / cowboy hats registering. MS Gene Autry. Harlem draftees FDR’s (President Roosevelt) draft message and registration. White men in line wearing suits, smiling. Signing registration certificate. Entering registry building. Besuited Hispanic or black draftee shakes hand with monocled man who squashes his hand, laughs. Unid. boxer Men in cowboy hats sign registration. Gene Autry. Others registering. 07:16:23 CU sign: Bayard St. / Mott St. One Way. (brief) Chinese & other men in line to register in Chinatown; filling out forms at table. 07:16:31 High Angle / HA Blacks in line, wave, hurried in by police; long line outside building, down street. CU Blacks registering. 07:16:48 White House, south exterior. MS FDR seated before microphone, reading speech (MOS / mute). 07:17:26 Intertitle: Seattle, Wash. Japanese freighter at dock loaded w/ scrap iron by electro-magnetic crane. Japanese flag on ship. 07:17:53 Intertitle: Ft. Lewis, Wash. Soldiers & mules; bucked off. Troops strapping loads on mule, riding out of camp in column in rain; descending steep hillside trail, mules run bucking off packs. 07:18:33 Intertitle: San Francisco, Calif. Launching of large electric-welded freighter SS American Leader launched sideways; then reversed in printing. 07:19:01 Intertitle: Ft. Knox, KY. Small tank past on road, other vehicles past South American military VIPs saluting from reviewing stand, MS women standing in front of saluting military. Army motorcycles past; many small tanks across field w/ dust, park; joined by soldiers on motorcycles who fall next to tank & firing rifles. Tanks & artillery firing tracers at targets. 07:19:39 Intertitle: Buffalo, N.Y. Night parade w/ banner sign for Willkie Youth Club of Buffalo, etc; Men marching past w/ placards: Save America First; Make America Strong; Work With Willkie. Enter large building; interior w/ oan of massed crowd of men & some placards. 07:19:56 Republican Presidential candidate Wendell Willkie on stand w/ arms raised to applauding crowd. MCU Willkie & wife w/ bouquet. demonstration with pickets and placards “Wilkie Youth Club”, “Save America First”, “We want homes, not air raid shelters”. Wilkie (?) on stand greets crowd with wife. WW2 Preparations; 1940 Political Campaign; 1940s; Economics; Foreign Commerce; Recycle; Recycling; Military Animals; NOTE: If requested 07:15:45 - 07:23:36 (4 cards) sold at per reel rate.