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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250081-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Canada,England,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Coblenz,Koblenz,Rhine River
TC Begins: 16:30:50
TC Ends: 16:35:46
Duration: 00:04:56
WWII - 1945, Germany: Air Army Invades Germany. Apr45 Field filled w/ gliders & C-47s for Rhine crossing by 1st Allied Airborne Army. British, Canadian, American officers & men into gliders. Jeep backed into nose. GOOD 16:31:24 C47s taxi & pull gliders off overhead; control tower. C-46 transports. 16:32;01 Winston Churchill w/ cigar talking to General Eisenhower. Prime Minister Churchill sitting watching w/ Sir Alan Brooke thru binoculars. Planes overhead. 16:32:16 Paratroops sitting in planes, jumping from both sides of C46 transports; landing. Gliders & CU of hand releasing tow rope. British glider landing in dust troops run out. Gliders crashing & burning. Troop transport hit smoking & crashes in ball of flames. 16:33:42 Artillery firing from cow pasture. German Prisoners of War. POWs. 16:33:56 Title: Coblenz, Key To Saar Captured. Tank w/ flails exploding mines; riflemen firing from behind tanks; 3rd nto Coblenz; machine gunners firing. 16:34:34 Army cameraman, Tom Priestley winding Bell & Howell Eyemo covering street fighting battle; MCU shooting; dead GI, others running ahead. CU officer w/ microphone mounted on helmet calling for Nazis to surrender over loudspeaker. Civilians putting out white flags. POWs march thru street. Sad Nazi, happy GI. 16:35:30 High angle Koblenz railyard. Destroyed buildings. WW2; Fighting; Battle; Horrors of War; Newsreel Cameraman;