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1969 - North Vietnam: People’s War Pt 1 of 3

Reel Number: 221578-01-P1

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1969

Country: Vietnam


TC Begins: 03:00:52

TC Ends: 03:13:32

Duration: 00:12:40

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1969 - North Vietnam: People’s War Pt 1 of 3 The Newsreel - Radical documentary Horrors of and everyday life during Vietnam War as seen through North Vietnamese eyes. POV shot from car driving in countryside, passes military vehicles & people. Night, Vietnamese people on roadside lit by headlights. 03:01:40 Ruins & rubble of country village. Voice over w/ Vietnamese accent says Americans destroyed everything in village incl. schools & hospitals; says US wants genocide. 03:02:42 Villagers gathered outside, woman talks, then child w/ injured face says how school was attacked. Vietnamese at funeral. Other talks of bomb attack. GV ruined village. 03:04:49 Attack on village: civilians running in smoke, Vietnamese soldiers. Wounded on stretcher. Child crying. Village burning, extinguishing fire. 03:05:47 Woman pulling water from well & making tea, still inside house. VO her story, w/ Vietminh husband & her involvement in armed struggle, planting bombs etc. Underground shelter inside her house 03:07:31 Scenes at neighborhood market, buying goods, scales, weighing vegetables. Fish, poultry. VO woman tells why she joined the Communist party. Fishermen at sea, carrying baskets of fish. At market, carrying carcasses. Trucks. Street scenes, people eating in outdoor canteens. 03:10:10 Militia training. VO volunteer explains why she & others joined. Women w/ guns at their feet. Target practice. Young recruits, two girls w/ bicycle carrying gun. 03:11:15 Factory floor of textile plant w/ looms making cloth. Good shots machines & workers. 03:12:07 Students in library amidst stacks of books. Chemistry class and laboratory; microscope; machine shop. CU teacher at blackboard. Continued... Vietnam War; North Vietnamese Daily Life; 1969; 1960s; 1970s; Viet Cong; NOTE: Any continuous minute of entire film 03:00:52 - 03:37:02 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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