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Digestion Of Foods

Reel Number: 221286-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1938

Country: USA


TC Begins: 09:16:45

TC Ends: 09:26:20

Duration: 00:09:35

Digestion of Foods ERPI Classroom Films Man at eating; diagram of interior of mouth. 09:17:08 Salivary gland of animal hooked to glass tube; electric charge to nerve & saliva secreted. Man has vinegar put into mouth, salivates thru tube. Starch solution has saliva added & stirred causing it to be broken up into other molecules. 09:18:24 Man spits chewed food into petrie dish. Saliva shown to be thicker than water. Esophagus in diagram & cutaway w/ movements shown w/ muscle walls. Drawings of stomach & interior w/ glands. 09:20:13 Man swallows rubber tube, vacuum applied & gastric juice extracted. Effect on food demonstrated using white of egg, digested. Stomach in action during digestion shown; then thru duodenum & drained into beaker. Animated diagrams showing stimulation of lining cells and absorption into blood stream. 09:22:51 Liver & gall bladder shown working. Bile added to samples of cream; pancreatic juice added to one only. Pancreatic juice clears up the cream because fat molecule are broken up. Diagram of small intestine w/ muscle cells & nerves. Magnified villi seen during intestinal absorption in rhythmic contractions. 09:24:24 Animated drawing of a single villus w/ digestion underway. Intestinal action show churning food & moving thru intestines thru both actual & illustrations. 09:25:59 Boy suffering from malnutrition. The End Biological Science; Medical Training Film; Educational Film; Experiments; Chemistry; Chemical Action; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate

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