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Matter And Energy

Reel Number: 221392-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947

Country: USA


TC Begins: 05:13:06

TC Ends: 05:21:47

Duration: 00:08:41

Matter And Energy Coronet Instructional Films 05:13:16 Chart. Female scientist / technician in laboratory setting w/ many glass tubes, scientific apparatus etc. - weighs jar of liquid. VO gives definition of matter - “but what about air?” Empty balloons on scales, one inflated to show weight of air. Water in jars in three forms of matter: solid, liquid & gas or ice cubes, liquid & water heated on bunsen burner. Balloon inflated w/ nitrogen dioxide - woman pops it releasing cloud of gas. 05:15:24 CU periodic table. Pan along jars on shelf w/ compounds: nickel sulfate, alcohol, distilled water, baking soda etc. VO explains compounds formed by mixtures of gases, solids & liquid - salt shown as example. Chemical & physical changes in matter explained; ice melted to show weight unchanged. Lightbulb on scales, flashed w/ electric current - VO “Law of Conservation of Matter” - cannot be created or destroyed. 05:18:42 Wood block put on scales. VO explains weight is “attraction to the earth for a given quantity of matter”. Volume measured - impenetrability of matter, two objects can’t be in same place at same time. 05:20:13 Energy explained: grandfather clock mechanical energy. Table lamp turned on electrical energy - fire in hearth chemical-radiant energy. High pan across reservoir potential energy, hydroelectric plant w/ transformers, pylons - shots illustrate progress of energy through different stages. 05:21:26 Horse & cart along road w/ South American (?) family - energy once reliant on muscles; modern passenger plane. The End. Science; Chemistry; Laws of Physics; Educational Films; 1947; 1940s; NOTE: one continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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