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Primary Cell, The (Electricity From Chemical Action)

Reel Number: 221378-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: USA


TC Begins: 05:38:36

TC Ends: 05:48:46

Duration: 00:10:10

The Primary Cell (Electricity From Chemical Action) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc., ERPI CU putting D size batteries into flashlight. Installing batter for camera flash attachment & man taking flash photograph inside home. Installing batteries in large portable radio & CU tuning outdoors. 05:39:24 CU inserting copper & zinc plates into lemon & measuring electricity on amperage meter. CU pouring sulfuric acid into beaker of pure water. Zinc sheet placed in & copper plate added; then flashlight lamp attached & it glows. Plates washed, then put into pure water but no glow; salt added and bulb glows. CUs. Electrolytes have been produced in the acid & salt solutions. 05:41:15 Copper plate replaced by carbon rod. Current flows & bulb glows. Hydrogen gas bulbs produced but glow stops due to polarization. Manganese dioxide mixed & moisture added as in a dry cell, CU of dry cell battery & illustration of interior parts. 05:43:2? Illustration of molecule containing atoms & electrons in atoms. Animated diagram of electricity out of dry cell to form electric current. Ammonium Chloride molecule shown in animation w/ its charge broken apart. 05:47:01 Volts measured on dry cell; amperes measured. Drycells hooked in series. 05:48:21 Watchman walking in dark w/ large lantern; goes to electric panal. Boy on rug w/ toy electric train run by dry cells. The End. Elementary Science Educational Film; Teaching Lecture; Chemistry; Gags; Dull; Boring; 1940s;

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