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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221207-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Poland
Location: Auschwitz
TC Begins: 22:24:46
TC Ends: 22:29:06
Duration: 00:04:20
Auschwitz Concentration Camp - Post Liberation clips NO SOUND 22:24:45 - 22:25:02 Men walk past camera; two women & nurse walk past. Water & mud on ground, barracks behind. 22:25:05 - 22:25:13 Male inmates in striped unform help smiling women out of barracks. Others carried. Child. 22:25:19 - 22:25:27 Crowd of inmates walking toward camera w/ fire electric fence at edge; barracks visible. Russian troops w/ two women inmates in stripes. 22:26:07 - 22:26:16 Russian soldiers walk several women prisoners in stripes alongside electric fence. 22:26:21 - 22:26:33 Woman carried past on stretcher, Others walk slowly seen from behind barbed wire. 22:28:27 - 22:28:36 CU of old woman in window. Pan of inmates wrapped in heavy blankets behind barbed wire fence. Includes thin man w/ very heavy dark hair. 22:28:43 - 22:28:49 Closer shot of previus including man w/ hair. 22:28:56 - 22:29:06 More of same group in MCU. Hollow eyes. Post-WWII;