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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221243-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: Buchenwald,Colditz,Dachau,Langestein,Ohrdruf,ohrdrus
TC Begins: 20:54:35
TC Ends: 21:05:41
Duration: 00:11:06
The Camps of the Dead Pt 1 of 2 20:55:01 Colditz. People camping on woodside banks near railway, CU people cooking, eating, two men carry old man, people lying on ground, starved bony children. 20:56:15 Langestein. Group of people look at dead bodies lying in pit & on field. Village people work on unearthing the mass graves & laying out corpses on the ground, CU the dead, people look at the marks of torture on the bodies. 20:57:08 Ohrdrus. Eisenhower looks at torture methods that were used in the camp; high angle big field covered in corpses. CU starved dead bodies, mass grave, CU two survivors. 20:58:15 Dachau. Concentration camp gates, soldier walks past bodies lying on ground, pull out corpses from the canal near electric fence. Women who were used as guinea pigs in various cruel experiments treated by military nurses, shots of crippled women. Piles of corpses in the shed, crematorium; clothing that was removed from dead hung out on line for new arrivals. Last train that arrived at Dachau from Buchenwald filled w/ starved bodies in the carriages, various shots of corpses. Germans prepared to blow up ammunition dump by stacking bodies of dead deportees. Men move parts of bodies w/ shovels, pull them out of the canal water. 21:02:13 Buchenwald. LS clock tower w/ flag on the top, various shots of people in grim conditions in concentration camp. Camp visited by inquiry commission off British Parliament for data for war criminals. CU refugees, some w/ crippled faces, people inside camp, dead body on the torture stand, commission member look at the hanging gallows, beating bats, crematorium, skeleton in the oven. British commission exit camp building, talk w/ refugees, look at piles of calcite bones outside the crematorium, heaps of corpses killed by gasoline injections, various shots of corpses. Post-WWII Concentration Camps;