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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220970-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: Germany,India
Location: Leipzig,Strobeck
TC Begins: 07:30:52
TC Ends: 07:45:56
Duration: 00:15:04
Chess Olympics 1960 Part 1 Taj Mahal, early Indian chess pieces. Map shows how chess spread world wide. Pillar from Naumburger cathedral dating from 13C depicts game of chess. Early manuscript re chess. Leipzig exhibition “Chess in the Course of History” Various shots visitors and exhibits. 07:33:54 Various chess sets depicting different historical times and battles. Chess sets of the wealthy and working classes. 07:36:16 Village of Strobeck, chess tower which once imprisoned prince. Children walking along carrying chess boards. Old man and schoolboy playing chess. Chess taught in schools. 07:37:27 Top Shot Leipzig, trams, Children from Strobeck in chess costume play on giant board. 07:38:14 People going in to Ring-Messehaus to watch 14th Chess olympiad. Competitors playing chess. Bobby Fischer wandering around. Woman chess player signs autographs. Chess games in progress. Chess masters speak re well organized event. 07:42:02 Spectators play floor chess. Chess automats / automatic. Electronic chess board. 07:43:06 Chess players visit Buchenwald concentration camp. Monument. 07:43:46 Chess tournament finals being played. Demonstration chess boards for spectators. Botvinnik plays Penrose. Closing ceremony, Yugoslav contestants receive awards, US team in second place, Soviet Union winners. Chess Olympics 1960; Intellectual Games; Competition; NOTE: sold at per reel rate.