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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221037-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Poland
Location: Auschwitz,BIRKENAU
TC Begins: 03:22:07
TC Ends: 03:29:26
Duration: 00:07:19
Liberation of Auschwitz Reel 2 of 2 Red Army / Russian newsreel footage - Jan/Feb45. AV bomb-damaged IG Faben plant near Auschwitz ? Roof of underground crematoria w/ smoke flues ? High angle pan across concentration camp complex. AV from plane flying low over snow-covered barracks. Barbed wire fences. Electrical dials. ‘Halt Stop!’ sign w/ skull & crossbones in front of fence. CU German sign ‘Heute rot, morgen tot, gedenke das!’ ’Today Red, tomorrow dead - think about it!’. CUs plans of Auschwitz. 03:25:00 Re-enactment of liberation - Russian soldiers open gates - ‘ Arbeit Macht Frei’ motto just visible above gate - people flood out, some cheering, hug soldiers and wave hats. Survivors seen through fences and gates. 03:26:32 Women in barracks three to a bunk. CUs men in striped uniforms - show prisoner numbers and tattoos. CUs individual survivors wrapped up against cold. 03:27:58 Women survivors out of hut and questioned by Russian soldiers - CU woman reads letter in Russian - dated 12Feb45 ? Inmates help each other - some on stretchers. Leaving in horse-drawn carts. NB Some shots repeated from Reel 1. WWII. War Crimes / Atrocities. Winter. USSR.