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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221515-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: China,Russia,USA
TC Begins: 00:20:48
TC Ends: 00:31:09
Duration: 00:10:21
Titles. UNRRA Re diseases following war Artillery shooting, general & soldiers walk on street, end of WWII. Army leaders sign surrender documents. People in grave yard, men dig graves, field w/ white crosses, LS American flag at half staff, people look at dead bodies lined up on field, women cry, various shots of corpses, coffins, baby corpse on ground. 00:22:26 Burned buildings, city in ruins, dog wonders thru rubble, high angle city ruins, people in demolished city, boy wanders in the rubble; woman carries coffin on her head, another does laundry, various shots of the people in city ruins, man on the bicycle on muddy road, CU cat. Women breast-feeding, CU kids, crying little boy picks up apple from road & eats it, people collecting water, washing, CU demolished hospital, crying baby. 00:25:22 Shelter in partly demolished building, people queuing for food, filthy living conditions; boy sleeps in rubble, devastated old lady, bare footed toddler crying. 00:26:06 War planes, building on fire, big smoke, people leave their homes, doctors carry patient thru water, people in boats thru flooded field; climb out of attic into boat, people in truck, shots of refugees leaving Holland, Belgium, France, nuns in back of a truck, traffic on the road, LS planes in the air. 00:26:55 China, city on fire; people on the road carrying big bags, baby in big basket, various shots of travelers, injured cross bridge. Russian refugees on the road, people walk thru wintery woodland, various shots of people camping on roadsides, CU starved children, crying women, people going thru rubbish, group of children near the road. 00:28:25 Washington, LS mall, international experts meet to assemble information regarding spreading of epidemics of disease. CU Epidemiologist points to map, looks at an international database, CU map showing disease movement from German concentration camps. 00:29:22 France, war prisoners returning home, crowd on train platform greet arriving relatives, some w/ typhus. Emotional greetings, people hug, kiss. 00:29:46 CU man walking on road, sign - Route De France, old lady near at the fence of farmhouse, woman waiting on street, CU man on the road, little girl w/ flowers, LS man on the road. 00:30:15 CU woman w/ bandages on her feet carries another woman on her back, people on the road, man on the donkey, long horse wagon full of people, people walk through city ruins, cross river over log, high angle crowds climb thru rubble, big lorries on the road through city. Continued... Post-WWII; Displaced Persons; Disease; Famine; UNRRA; Post-WW2;