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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221216-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Germany,Italy
TC Begins: 15:41:27
TC Ends: 15:53:03
Duration: 00:11:36
Passport To Nowhere R1 of 2 Displaced Persons camp, refugees do everyday things, women wash clothes, kids play, older ladies knit, men wash their clothes in the water pool, yard full of men look at camera. 15:42:44 Nazis in truck drive thru city. Gen.Heinrich Himmler talk to men in concentration camp through barbed wire fence, looks at men seated & standing near the fence. Shot of the furnaces w/ partly burned skeletons inside, various ropes & whips hanging on the wall. 15:43:09 Long lines of people who survived carry their belongings on road, horse cart w/ children followed by lines of people walk thru village & countryside, women w/ push chairs or prams. 15:44:14 Map of Nazi territory; animation showing 15 million of captured slaves of which 7 million were killed. Shots of city ruins, huge partly demolished buildings, broken artillery on streets, people walk past ruins, kids make fire & warm their hands. 15:45:22 Many homeless people camping along road, in cars, horse carriages, people prepare food, people pack up & follow soldiers to government shelters; long lines of people w/ bicycles; others w/ sacks on their backs, horse carriages, queue to get placement, get DDT sterilized, at soup kitchen, women wash clothes. 15:46:50 Animation shows 8 million sheltered people who returned to homelands, leaving 850 000 who remained homeless, DPs. Italy, mountain country land, Italian family returns to their home village near Cassinio, exit truck & walk thru field to village ruins, look around demolished buildings; meet another family staying there, high angle village in ruins. Man in demolished building in the city, people collect materials from ruins, women hang out washing. 15:50:00 Homeless women & children, kids make fire to keep warm, dig thru waste, look for food, little boys smoking, kid picks up something from the ground & eats it; various shots of children, running on ruins, walking in street bare foot collecting water, licking scraping spoons & empty soup kettles. 15:51:04 Starving crowds queuing on streets pushing, arguing, fighting, desperate for food. Woman w/ child in her arms, various shots of starving babies; CU sad kids faces, two little boys both w/ only one leg play mini pool in the UNRRA hospital. 15:51:57 Ext. headquarters of German Chemical Trust; int. people in hallways, men enter office of Civil Affairs Division, woman in the office of headquarters relief unit supported by churches of America, people fill in papers in office of Jewish Joint Distribution committee. CU people waiting & hoping for refuge by United Nations, CU woman waits beside monument to DPs. Post-WWII Europe; Charities; Post-WW2; Refugees;