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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221745-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: China,Egypt,England,India,Poland,United Kingdom,USA
Location: atlantic ocean,DC,New York City,NYC,San Diego,Washington
TC Begins: 02:10:32
TC Ends: 02:20:32
Duration: 00:10:00
Post-WWII - 1946, USA: Coast Guard; Hoover Return; Skyscraper Plane; Paris Conference; etc 02:10:46 Title: U.S. Coast Guard Resumes Northern Iceberg Patrol. Stormy weather POV thru ocean on w/ icebergs seen off Greenland. Aerial w/ cutter Tampa near berg. Aerial above 4-engine B-24 close to berg; POV from plane. 02:11:58 Title: Hoover Returns From World Food Survey Trip. ca 13May46 Down steps of Air Transport Command plane followed by ??. Shaking hands w/ Secretary of Agriculture Anderson; walking on tarmac, out of car at White House. In office w/ Truman, Anderson & others. MCU w/ papers at Truman’s desk. 02:12:36 Large warehouse w/ stacks of cartons, men stacking. Passing out clothes to men & women; woman dressing child; smiling children. Women pass out food to boys, MCU eating. 02:13:18 Women leading many children past piles of bricks of destroyed buildings & run to camera. 02:13:28 Title: Plane Crashes Into New York City Skyscraper. Plane in fog, NYC skyline looking south from Empire State Building at NYC. 20May46 Airplane wreckage in 58th floor of 40 Wall Street. Night w/ debris in street, wheels, view up of damaged building, pan office damage w/ parts of plane. Ledge w/ parts of plane. Caskets carried out, loaded into ambulance. 02:14:59 Title: Byrnes Reports On Four-Power Paris Conference. Secretary of State at desk to camera, SOF: “We did not reach agreement upon the treaties, nor upon the question of calling a Peace Conference, or our proposal for reformed power treaty for 25 years to keep Germany disarmed. Our problems are serious but I am not discouraged; our offensive to secure peace has only begun. But we must not forget that if we fail to cooperate in a peace which is indivisible we may again find that we will have to cooperate in a war which is world wide. Whether we like it or not we live in one world. 02:16:00 Title: China Takes Over U.S. Navy Vessels. Nationalist Chinese flag raised aboard destroyer escort in San Diego; review of sailors by Commander Lin & US Commander Herbrandt; MCU Chinese & USA sailors playing checkers & dice. One of 8 ships given as lend-lease, MCU no. 260 leaving. 02:16:54 Title: Britain Discusses India & Egypt. LS London shots. Prime Minister Attlee w/ ?? & Bevin. LS Simla,India w/ British VIPs on steps of ornate building to discuss federated India. Moslems; Congress Party President Kalam Azad arrives by rickshaw; Pandit Nehru arrives on horseback. Mohammad Ali Jinnah arrives by car. Cairo, Egyptian leaders in fez w/ Prime Minister Sidqi pasha meet w/ Lords Stansgate & Brit delegation to announce ending colonial rule. India, people waiting as leaders come out & pose leaving meetings. 02:18:43 Title: War Victims Find Haven In America. Immigrants arriving past Statue of Liberty waving, docking ship greeted. Newsreel cameramen filming women’s concentration camp tattoos. CUs arms & faces. Polish Catholic priests; Jewish Chaplain beside Torah; orphan babies. Hugs, crying, kisses. The End. Post-WW2; Cold War; Military; Colonialism; Imperialism; Independence; Religions; Immigration; Politicians; Diplomats; Hunger; Starvation; Rebuilding;