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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221768-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947,1940s
Country: Poland
Location: Cracow,Krakow
TC Begins: 18:55:56
TC Ends: 19:06:35
Duration: 00:10:39
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1947, Poland: Krakow, Market & First Auschwitz Trial 24Nov-22Dec47 LS, pre-war building w/ army truck, trams & pedestrians past. Market scene in plaza. People walking into market square. 18:56:48 LS square towers w/ domes beside large plaza / Grand Square, pedestrians & traffic on street. People looking into window of toy shop. MCU young girl looking at dolls. 18:57:52 LS of modern post-WW2 Court of Justice. MS, crowd listening to loudspeaker on steps of building. 18:58:28 German prisoners jumping out of trucks & marching into the Court of Justice under Polish soldiers guard. 18:59:13 Maria Mandl (?) head of women's camp at Auschwitz, out of truck. Two others, Luise Danz (?) & Jenny-Wanda Barkmann (?) wait w/ papers to enter. 18:59:32 Alice Minna Orlowski (nee Elling) (concentration camp guard) in fur coat standing among defendants (?), speaks (MOS, sits down. 18:59:44 Unid. woman in dark colored light jacket standing, listening, sits & next woman w/ long dark hair stands listening & sits. Man next to her stands (may be Arthur Liebenhenschel). 19:00:17 CU of Male defendant seated, listening. 19:00:25 MCU Maria Mandl seated, facing camera 19:00:32 CU, President of the Tribunal, Alfred Eimer, verifying identity of the Germans. CUs, Maria Mandl (standing), CU, MS Franz Xaver Kraus, Johann Kremer (camp doctor), Erich Muhsfeldt (?) 19:01:38 MCU, Stefan Kutowski, General Prosecutor reading indictment. LS, General Prosecutor speaking to the Tribunal. 19:02:32 LS, members of Tribunal entering court. MSs, members of Tribunal sitting on armchairs listening to the act of accusation. 19:03:20 LSs, audience chamber as Tribunal enters. Defendents leaving; LS of audience listening. 19:04:20 MS, American members of United Nations War Crimes Commission listening to prisoner's deposition. HA of Tribunal entering court. LS, prisoner Otto Latsch (?) in for examination. 19:05:17 Members of UN War Crimes Commission listening. 19:05:26 ?? talking to Tribunal from behind Tribunal members. ?? to stand, questioned. 19:05:56 Alice Minna Orlowski (nee Elling) (concentration camp guard) to stand for deposition; backs of members of the Tribunal in foreground. LS, rows of prisoners seen from Tribunal platform. VS, public listening to prisoner's examination. Post-WW2; Death Sentences; NOTE: Camp guards Therese 'Rosi' Brandl and Hildegard Laechert may also be present; as may Colonel Robert Springer, US Director of United Nations War Crimes Commission. Stefan Kutowski, General Prosecutor reading indictment. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: