Nazi Plan, The - Prosecution Exhibit 228, 229 Concentration Camps, Auschwitz R? of ?
Edited film w/ opening titles re Ukrainian Front(?).
08:35:34 Mostly women in heavy coats pulling sleds, carrying possessions in snow. Men walking w/ blankets over shoulders, nurse in middle. Men stand looking thru barbed wire. Some of freed inmates of camp in striped uniforms.
08:36:10 Pan over camp roofs covered w/ snow. Old woman in MCU looking out window. Pan over large buildings, scaffolding around closest, large industrial complex. Aerial over many, many barracks w/ snow on ground.
08:37:04 Drawing of plot plan of Auschwitz. Architectural drawing of crematorium shown; side & other views. Pan over camp from outer guard stations to barracks.
08:37:56 Int. of barracks w/ many women in bunks three high. CU old woman in window. Entrance gate w/ Arbeit Macht Frei above & gate raised. View down passage way between barbed electric barbed wire fences. CU Zaun switch; CU women in barracks room, most laying down. CU snapshot photograph album w/ pages turned.
08:39:41 Pan across inmates behind fences staring out. CU hollow-eyed man w/ bushy hair. Others w/ bandages. Man talking to camera. Ext. of barracks w/ bodies, woman & girl standing, walk past, men walk past camera. Inmates carry & help people out of barrack. Others past camera along fence, many in uniforms. USSR soldiers talking w/ two women. Walking & assisted by nurses, Russian soldiers; some carried on stretchers. Loaded on wagon & wagons pulled by horses taking loads of survivors out of camp.
08:42:55 Men in striped uniforms carry stretcher out of building, out of gate. Wagons out of gates in long string.
08:43:26 Nurses, soldiers & nuns walking w/ many children past camera & between barbed wire. Walk toward camera & turn to left. Most in uniforms.
WWII Aftermath; WW2 Jewish War Victims; Horrors; Genocide; Liberation; Evidence;
Nazi Plan, The - Prosecution Exhibit 228, 229 Concentration Camps, Auschwitz R? of ? Edited film w/ opening titles re Ukrainian Front(?). 08:35:34 Mostly women in heavy coats pulling sleds, carrying possessions in snow. Men walking w/ blankets over shoulders, nurse in middle. Men stand looking thru barbed wire. Some of freed inmates of camp in striped uniforms. 08:36:10 Pan over camp roofs covered w/ snow. Old woman in MCU looking out window. Pan over large buildings, scaffolding around closest, large industrial complex. Aerial over many, many barracks w/ snow on ground. 08:37:04 Drawing of plot plan of Auschwitz. Architectural drawing of crematorium shown; side & other views. Pan over camp from outer guard stations to barracks. 08:37:56 Int. of barracks w/ many women in bunks three high. CU old woman in window. Entrance gate w/ Arbeit Macht Frei above & gate raised. View down passage way between barbed electric barbed wire fences. CU Zaun switch; CU women in barracks room, most laying down. CU snapshot photograph album w/ pages turned. 08:39:41 Pan across inmates behind fences staring out. CU hollow-eyed man w/ bushy hair. Others w/ bandages. Man talking to camera. Ext. of barracks w/ bodies, woman & girl standing, walk past, men walk past camera. Inmates carry & help people out of barrack. Others past camera along fence, many in uniforms. USSR soldiers talking w/ two women. Walking & assisted by nurses, Russian soldiers; some carried on stretchers. Loaded on wagon & wagons pulled by horses taking loads of survivors out of camp. 08:42:55 Men in striped uniforms carry stretcher out of building, out of gate. Wagons out of gates in long string. 08:43:26 Nurses, soldiers & nuns walking w/ many children past camera & between barbed wire. Walk toward camera & turn to left. Most in uniforms. WWII Aftermath; WW2 Jewish War Victims; Horrors; Genocide; Liberation; Evidence;