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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200351-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,France,Germany
Location: Cologne,Dachau,Fulda,Munich,Paris,Prague
TC Begins: 01:07:55
TC Ends: 01:13:48
Duration: 00:05:53
Welt im Film American Journalists Visit Germany. Munich: Gen. Müller welcomes journalists at airport. Office of military government of Bavaria; int., exhibition with maps of Germany, Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”. Conference, Bavarian ministers at round table. Visit to concentration camp Dachau; int., gas chambers. Court room; prisoners with no. signs; Malmedy process re SS crimes in Dachau. 01:09:54 Prague; Karl Hermann Frank executed. Frank in court - death sentence passed. Crowds outside waiting to see hanging. Frank brought under guard into courtyard - man reads. Frank put on gallows - crowds. Frank dead. 01:10:56 Corpus Christi Day, Cologne - Pan down spires of Cologne Cathedral. Some scaffolding on outside of building. First religious - Catholic procession after war; choirboys swing incense. Onlookers on pavement kneel as procession passes. Outdoor service held, archbishop Dr. Frinks - bomb damaged building visible in background. 01:12:00 Wehrmacht Medical Supply Depot hidden in mines by Fulda. Supply shipped out. 01:12:55 Paris: Foreign Ministers Conference. CUs, Bidault, Byrns, Molotov, Bevin.