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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221731-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Egypt,Germany,Yugoslavia
Location: Buchenwald,El Shatt,merkers,Ohrdruf,Sinai
TC Begins: 21:10:14
TC Ends: 21:20:39
Duration: 00:10:25
Main title. 21:10:32 Title: Refugees Return Home. Crowd of Yugoslavs, Croats & Greeks prepare to leave El Shatt displaced persons’ / refugee camp in Sinai. MCUs. 21:11:00 Woman loading suitcases into army truck. Others waving good bye to army trucks leaving in UNRRA refugee convoy. 21:11:21 Refugees w/ belongs on dock, large ship behind, others in harbor. MCUs boarding barge & leaving w/ babies, children. Train leaving & POV from road alongside railroad. Off trains w/ duffel bags to ferry barges. CUs. Ship Tripolitania. at dock & leaving. 21:13:04 People watching arrival holding Yugoslavian flag. Waving. Off ship w/ belongings. Soldier helping old woman; man putting bags on burro. Pack train of burros up road. Woman kissing boy; others kissing. Dancing. 21:14:09 Title: Captured German Spoils. 21:14:14 Germans reading announcement dissolving Nazi party, posted on wall of building. MCU of English & German. Very large pile of guns, uniforms, swords, binoculars etc piled in village square. 21:15:24 Officer in Merkers salt mine looking at suitcase of jewelry & other goods confiscated by Nazis. Man holding gold bar amidst piles of bags, CU; man looking at bank notes / money. 21:15:49 Two men show recovered oil paintings in ornate frames. 21:16:13 Title: Captives Courageous. 21:16:16 Freed Allied troops - Russian, British & Americans - w/ duffels, etc walking / marching past camera; MCU shaking hands, smiling, laughing. 21:16:42 Starved prisoners seated in barracks, MCU legs, arms, faces. 21:17:01 Title: Nazi Horror Camps. 21:17:04 Motorcade of jeeps w/ Eisenhower thru village, in Orhdruf Concentration Camp w/ soldiers & other officers viewing naked & dead. 21:18:07 Entering Buchenwald, CUs of survivors & dead. Guards (?) marched w/ casket. 21:19:08 Furnaces / ovens shown w/ partially burned bodies. Dead in trucks; starved bodies w/ numbers. 21:19:43 Women guards marched out of barracks. Male guards lined up; women lined up marched off by soldiers. CU of Camp Commandant. 21:20:26 The End. European WW2 Aftermath; Horrors of War; End of War; 1945; Concentration Camps; Art Treasures; NOTE: Ca 825 Croatians died at El-Shatt. Over 20,000 refugees moved there by Allies from Italy & Mediterranean islands & occupied from summer of 1944 until early 1946.