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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221731-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: brunswick,Leipzig,Magdeburg,merkers,Nuremberg,Stendal
TC Begins: 21:21:01
TC Ends: 21:31:19
Duration: 00:10:18
Titles. 21:21:29 Title: Allied Drives Split Germany. 21:21:33 Running soldiers & tanks up Leipzig city street; dust from bullets hitting top story of apartment building. CUs GI on phone; sniper / riflemen shooting from street & behind tanks. 21:22:14 Countryside field w/ tanks at base of tall antenna. Radio station sign: Grossrundfunksender Leipzig w/ bullet damage. Entrance w/ Swastika above doors. Interior w/ equipment. 21:22:29 US sentry at guard post. Nuremberg destroyed buildings, pan extreme destruction. 21:22:43 Hitler at Nuremberg Rally; empty stadium w/ swastika, low angle of giant eagle & tilt down to dead German soldier. 21:23:03 Gen. Hobbs & German Major General Veith, commander of Brunswick. 21:23:11 German Prisoner of War Camp w/ British & Indian officers given cigarettes. MCU. 21:23:26 Pan of holding camp for German POWs on west of Rhine, arriving; CUs. MS. Czech w/ prison number on arm looking for Gestapo. German officers out of government (?) building. CU past camera. 21:24:22 Officers looking at bags of gold bullion; CU w/ markers; currency counted on top of bundles. Soldiers show art treasures / oil portrait paintings in ornate frames. 21:24:53 Civilian men of Stendal registered by Allies at outdoor table, CU & MCU, High angle of crowds piling clothes, rifles, swords, etc in city plaza / market place. Reading Allied proclamation posted on wall. MCU Law No. 5 Dissolution of Nazi Party. MCU throwing uniforms on pile, sabers / sabres etc. 21:25:46 Map w/ remaining German territory pinched between east & west. Tanks in field, smoke & explosions in distance. Magdeburg shelled in distance, tanks moving across fields, infantry along road; tanks into burning town. 21:26:55 Title: Army Day In Coblenz. Generals Bradley & Patton reviewing troops at castle; raising USA flag (first on German soil). CU flying from pole; LS overlooking river. 21:28:02 Title: British M.P’s Investigate Atrocities. Jeeps entering Buchenwald Concentration Camp, soldiers & surviving inmates; journalists taking notes beside pile of dead bodies on trucks; cremation ovens & burned bones. 21:28:55 Belsen w/ dead on ground & others moving about. Starved; convoy of trucks; people eating; dead naked bodies across ground, in pits. Camp Commandant / Commander Joseph Kramer. MS women guards lined up; Gestapo guards, male & female, marched past. 21:30:09 Stalag Teckla near Leipzig POWs show how they escaped before building was burned, bodies of burned & electrocuted on barbed wire fence. 21:30:45 Leipzig Rathaus / city hall ext. Int. w/ suicide bodies of Mayor & family. 21:31:11 The End. WW2 End Of War; WWII 1945; Allied Military Newsreel; Paintings; Nazi Loot; Art Treasures;