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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221552-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: USA
Location: Arkansas,Heart Mountain,Wyoming
TC Begins: 22:49:18
TC Ends: 22:56:17
Duration: 00:06:59
Japanese-American holding camps ca Spring/summer1942 & 1943 Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Heart Mountain w/ butte beyond barracks, people along street in winter. Soldier guarding w/ rifle. 22:49:51 men harvesting sugar beets. 22:50:18 Couple leaving camp w/ papers checked by soldiers at guard post. Walking to Washington Trailways bus. Man surveying; another waving from power pole. 22:50:38 Japanese-American man greeted by boy, walking up sidewalk to wife & daughter on home steps. Couple w/ child & magazines & newspapers in living room. 22:50:53 CU Leave Clearance Docket, pages turned in large form. Narration re “free to leave” etc. 22:51:34 Japanese-Americans: farmer in corn field; man in machine shop; nurse in hospital w/ patient. Farmer on tractor; machinist working lathe. Women painting dolls. Man feeding chickens in Illinois; men hoeing potatoes. Woman running turret lathe. Men spraying potatoes. Man running printing press. Women breaking eggs; man feeding drying machine. Men making candy. Women sewing American flags. Men loading produce on freight cars. Man making marshmallows. Pitching grain into thresher. 22:54:42 Japanese-American working at bookbinding machine; gets check from Caucasian supervisor. 22:54:59 Japanese-American soldiers drilling. Sign Headquarters Company 2nd Infantry Combat Div. Calisthenics, exercising. Firing artillery, machine guns. Obstacle course training. 22:55:54 Marching in review. The End WWII American Homefront; Shameful Racial Discrimination; Civil Rights; Prisoners; 1940s; Ethnic Holding Camps; Economics; Democracy; Americana; WW2; Concentration Camps; Segregation;