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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220839-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Dachau
TC Begins: 12:07:26
TC Ends: 12:15:29
Duration: 00:08:03
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Germany: Dachau Concentration Camp Film roll 4 - Pt 2 Continued... American soldiers by railroad freight cars w/ doors open in station, snow on ground. CU body in concentration camp striped clothes on ground by tracks; another partially covered w/ snow. GIs be dead German guard, other corpses; German bodies piled in boxcar. Inmates under snow. 12:09:16 Red cross vehicles in courtyard of concrete / brick buildings - Dachau concentration camp (?). SS sign on building; pan barracks w/ wagon across plaza. 12:09:46 Inmates sit / stand by fire cooking. Pan to stacked corpses nearby,CUs of skeleton bodies. 12:11:20 Inmates is striped suit unload bread from truck. Cleaning out barracks; carrying out body on mattress. 12:12:17 Delousing inmates w/ DDT (?). 12:13:06 Two young people in striped uniforms stroll together; inmates pulling food truck w/ steaming barrels. 12:13:28 LS barracks (?), bodies stacked. CU crematorium exterior, flame still burning inside. Kennels. Piles of clothing. LS, MS, CUs pile of naked corpses. 12:14:56 CUs SS officer uniform; dead bloody officers shot in head. Continued... WW2; Gruesome Horrors of War; Civilian Victims; May45; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Use of this footage requires a credit as follows: “Includes footage from the George Stevens Collection at the Library of Congress”.