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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220634-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: Paderborn
TC Begins: 12:14:26
TC Ends: 12:22:20
Duration: 00:07:54
WWII - Concentration Camps, Germany: Stalag 326; Unid. POW release from CampLIB 5012. USA army tank & soldiers in Stalag 326 concentration camp liberating Russian POWs. Russian soldier w/ rifle talking angrily to US. Prisoner w/ coat covered w/ flour; MCU two Soviet soldiers / prisoners of war looking at camera. 12:14:49 LS POWs fighting over food / riots. MS Russian POWs, coats stuffed w/ food. 12:15:26 US soldier w/ rifle watching beneath sign on hut: Hermann-Goering-Strasse. Pan to Russians breaking into supply hut; out w/ bulging coats & carrying food buckets. GIs on tanks watching. POWs fighting 12:16:36 Prisoners pose in MS & wave to camera. 12;16:46 CU sign Hermann-Goring-Strasse. 12:16:50 Slug. 12:16:53 High Angle / HA Freed prisoners walk w/ kit bags across frozen ground w/ GI guards, buildings & prisoners seen behind. Form lines & wait in slush. (good view of camp behind). MS of GI guards moving them along. 12:18:04 HA MS Bags emptied on ground & searched, refilled. LS men moving away. Papers checked at jeep w/ loudspeaker mounted on hood. CUs. Russian (?) seen speaking into microphone. 12:19:59 Freed POWs moved; column of army trucks. CU checking papers & bags on ground, men loaded onto army truck, drive off. 12:21:14 Trucks pull up to railroad freight cars; POWs loaded onto train. 12:21:49 MS Two GIs holding crying POW w/ coat open & bloody scars on chest. 12:22:06 GIs searching POWs in back of army truck. (abrupt end). WW2; Greed; Hunger; 1940s; Abuse; Release; Releasing;