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WWII, 1945, Buchenwald Concentration Camp Liberation, 15-19Apr45

Reel Number: 250116-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Germany

Location: Buchenwald

TC Begins: 14:28:20

TC Ends: 14:47:48

Duration: 00:19:28

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII, 1945, Buchenwald Concentration Camp Liberation, 15-19Apr45 Slate: Capt. Carter Buchenwald C-31 19Apr45. Truck piled w/ dead bodies. CS bodies lying on ground 14:29:23 01:01:05 CU Body w/ number tattooed on arm. 14:29:44 01:01:26 MS Bodies on truck; pan CU of heads & feet. 14:31:08 01:02:49 Slate: Carter C-32 19Apr45. Body on cart on ground w/ picture of Christ pinned to clothes. CU 14:32:08 01:03:49 Entrance gate to Buchenwald prison camp, military personnel. MCU French prisoner. 14:32:46 01:04:27 Inscription over gate to camp: Recht Oder Unrecht - Mein Vaterland. 14:33:09 01:04:50 MCU prisoners, one man alone; two in striped uniforms. 14:33:58 01:05:39 Slate Carter C-33 15Apr45 Emaciated / thin men standing / leaning in doorway. MCU. MLS men w/ crutches. Man supporting extremely starved man. MCU young man missing eye, very thin. 14:35:43 01:07:24 Four year old child prisoner w/ emblem on coat, CU smiling. Group of prisoners including children. 14:36:48 01:08:29 Slate: Capt Carter Buchenwald C-34 15Apr45 LS Prisoners standing, sitting & cooking on open fire; MCUs. 14:38:07 01:09:49 Elderly prisoners standing looking at camera. MCU Polish prisoner praying 14:39:02 01;10:43 Barbed wire fenced enclosure around prison camp - prisoners standing inside, slow pan. 14:39:31 01:11:12 Slate: Carter C35 15Apr45. Second pan of fence, barracks behind. 14:40:40 01:12:21 CS Pictures tattooed on skin & mounted, or drawings. 14:42:18 01.14.00 Slate: illegible. German book, Ein Beitrug zur Tatowienungsfrage. title translates: A Question of Tattooing. 14:42:46 01:14:27 Two mounted shrunken heads of prisoners, turned by GI. 14:43:45 01:15:26 Various pieces of tattooed human skin on table. 14:44:15 01:15:56 Preserved human head carefully cut in half, in glass container; turned to show inside. 14:45:08 01;16:49 Slate: Carter C37, 15Apr45. Various body parts as specimens preserved in alcohol. 14:45:46 01:17:27 Prisoners demonstrating hanging rope & club for bashing out brains. 14:47:23 01:19:05 LS Buchenwald camp - camera shooting over searchlights WW2; Atrocities; Victims; Horrors of War; NOTE: 4 year-old is Joseph Schleifstein, born 07Mar41 in Poland per USHMM web site. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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