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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220413-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: England,France,ItalyUNITED KINGDOM,USA
Location: Studio
TC Begins: 04:24:01
TC Ends: 04:34:07
Duration: 00:10:06
It’s Your America R3 of 3 Dramatizes how a penny takes on new meanings to a soldier as he learns the significance of its inscriptions and Lincoln's quotations. American troops moving down muddy road. Two soldiers share bread beside road. One, a farmer before war, explains to other the two heads of wheat on the penny. Talks of how farmers in the Allied countries burned their fields & killed livestock to stop it getting into enemy hands. 04:27:07 Montage of American troops enter Rome. Montage: England, build up of supplies for D-day invasion. Rations issued to troops. Outdoor battlefield church service. Soldiers board transport ships & aircraft. Convoys en route to France. Aircraft in formation. Naval ships firing broadsides. Troops down landing nets into landing craft. Good battle scenes, montage. 04:31:08 Soldier on deck of ship as he returns to America. Talks of democracy, freedom & working together. Quotes Lincoln. Walks off on crutches. WWII Philosphy; Freedom; Good Luck Penny;