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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220177-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: England,France,Germany,Netherlands,United Kingdom
TC Begins: 10:39:04
TC Ends: 10:48:55
Duration: 00:09:51
WWII - 1940s, England: London Scenes, D-Day w/ Dutch Troops; Fascist parade etc. Wartime London scenes including Churchill up and past; Piccadilly Circus; Ext Broadcasting House and interior general views of Radio Oranje report in Dutch on D-Day; compilation of navy invasion and aerial bombardment; very good D-Day coverage including wounded Germans; AVs allied bombardment of France; 10.41.10 Rommel visiting channel defences & aftermath of invasion; Ramsey, Ike & Monty pose; allied troops advance thru France & seen w/ children; German POWs under arrest; f/b Wehrmacht march past in Berlin w Hitler reviewing troops ; Hitler in Reichstag; Dutch troops in coastal defences - headlines on invasion threat. 10.43.30 Troops defend Netherlands - sunken Red Cross ship - French/Belgian troops evacuated by boat; sea/air shots Luftwaffe bombing evacuation vessels; 10:44:55 Dutch civilians on deck of ship at sea; captured German POW's landed in England; Dutch civilians in temporary billet in England; Dutch royal family disembark in England. 10.45.16 Queen Wilhelmina; defenses dug in England; barrage balloons launched; ack-ack battery; English children evacuated & children crying. 10.46.30 Dutch Red Cross office in London; Dutch civilians register and issued clothing; 10.47.00 Broadcasting House; interior GVs Radio Oranje broadcast o/lay ships at sea Dutch Naval officer reads search order; convoys at sea Dutch merchant ships armed; French/Belgian troops retreat; civilian refugees. WW2; England Homefront;