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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220980-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Canada,England,France,United Kingdom
Location: cerisy,Cherbourg,foret,la,Normandy
TC Begins: 15:00:01
TC Ends: 15:10:26
Duration: 00:10:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, Cherbourg, France destruction; England D-Day Invasion preparations w/ Generals INV 332 M-306 Wreckage of Cherbourg harbor, 01Jul44. LS from hilltop of French countryside, smoke cloud in distance. US soldiers walk thru village. 15:01:31 INV 333 Convoy of US jeeps pass w/ Generals Eisenhower & Bradley, visit 2nd Inf. Div. near Cerisy-la-Foret, 02Jul44; Gens talk w/ officers inc. Gen. Gerow, Maj. Gen Robertson (in sunglasses) & George P Hays; Eisenhower past camera in jeep, salutes. MCU Eisenhower w/ second cousin, Sgt. GC Etherington, Abilene, KS of the Chemical Warfare Section M-191. CUs 2-star General Bereton & soldier (Etherington?). Ike & Bradley tour camp HQ. GOOD MCU Ike. 15:04:14 B 495 06Jun44 (per card) US troops of 1st Inf. Div. & 5th Engineers Specialist Brigade prepare for D Day on ship near English coast; perform calisthenic exercises on shipboard. 15:05:09 05Jun44 Load demolition charge into LCVP. Exercises. Sailor loads rockets into multiple rocket launcher. Fitting shells / arranging ammo belt into multiple barrel anti-aircraft machine guns. Wrap equipment in waterproof covers. 15:07:17 INV 001 05Jun44 Gen. Eisenhower talks to 101st Airborne Div. paratroopers in tent city w/ battle gear & camouflage blackened faces w/ facepaint. MCU of leggings & outfit. Airfield at dusk w/ planes; Ike talks to paratroops. Ike w/ Brig. Gen. Maxwell Taylor. Ike climbs over barbed wire to talk to soldiers & moves thru large crowd of soldiers . WW2; Normandy Invasion; Europe; Final D-Day invasion preparations; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: