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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220762-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: England,France,United Kingdom
Location: southampton
TC Begins: 03:08:06
TC Ends: 03:17:26
Duration: 00:09:20
WWII - USA: European Historical Compilation, 1944-1945 R2 of 9 Military training exercises. Training landing on rocks in rough seas and scaling cliff face. 03:08:45 Map. Germany - Hitler - German Generals with maps. 03:09:19 Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces / SHAEF HQ interior, High Command meeting. Good night shots British bombers taking off towards cameras. Night and day bombing of Europe. Brief shot agent parachutes into France. One man submarine. Torpedo boats etc. returning from Normandy w/ sand for analysis. Woman at microscope. Man putting camera into reconnaissance plane. Coast of Normandy. Still photographs glued together making relief map. Supplies dropped to French resistance. 03:10:31 Mulberry Harbor launched. Montage supplies readied & stockpiled, men inoculated, ships launched, radio listening for German transmissions. SHAEF HQ, meeting of high command. 03:11:11 Stalin. Roosevelt, Churchill pose after Tehran conference. 03:11:24 Eisenhower, Montgomery & others at wall map. Montage preparations. Montage aircraft bombing and strafing France including RR marshaling yards. Railway lines destroyed. German plane shot down. Map showing Normandy and South Coast of England. German coastal defenses, German troops march, Officers at West Wall. Goering inspects troops. 03:13:22 D-Day invasion convoys assemble at Southampton, mass movement of military trucks, troops and materials through countryside and small towns. Transport continues at night by rail and road. Tanks etc loaded onto ships. Troops boarding. British & US men waiting on ships in harbor. Barrage balloons, hills in background. Men briefed on deck & dockside. Aircrews briefed. 03:15:51 Flags run up on ship, officers boarding, torpedo loaded. King George VI on board, salutes sailors. Signals made w/ lights. Anchors weighed. Engine room scenes. Convoy sets sail 03:16:44 Eisenhower w/ camouflaged troops - inspects. 03:17:02 Silhouette shots soldiers moving at dusk. Aircraft, nose paint “That’s All Brother” . Planes take off, almost night. WW2; NOTE: Narration as first-person American & English troops.