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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221668-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,
Country: USA
Location: California,Florida,Fort Pierce,New York City,NYC,Pacific,San Francisco
TC Begins: 21:01:11
TC Ends: 21:10:49
Duration: 00:09:38
WWII - Sulfa; D-Day Invasion Announced in USA, 1944 21:01:31 Title: Sulfa. Spinning newspaper w/ column head “Mysterious Sulfa Drug Reported Curing 66 of 70 Infection Victims - Experiments at Johns Hopkins... other headlines. 21:01:57 LS interior of Army Hospital ward w/ patients, nurses, doctor. MCU Sgt. William Barns / Barnes, doctor talks to him, 21:02:36 LS ships at sea, guns firing; Pacific landing w/ troops into landing craft; fighting on shore (GOOD). 21:02:58 Staged - wounded soldier. Animation of dividing germs in wound; white blood cells attacking & germs conquering. 21:03:43 Wounded GI taking sulfa, drinks from canteen. Animation of sulfa tablets exploding & moving thru bloodstream & attacking wound. 21:04:11 Field hospital under tarps w/ wounded moved on stretchers. Doctor treating wound w/ sulfa powder. CU. 21:04:26 Overhead shot of parachutes from planes. Animation of sulfa attacking germs. 21:04:55 Office door 1024. Major General Norman T. Kirk, Surgeon General. MCU at desk speaking to camera: “It can be truly said that in this war American soldiers & sailors have less reason to fear death from wounds than ever before in history...” 21:05:09 Wounded treated in street, carried on stretcher, into tent hospital, x-rays, blood plasma. 21:05:31 Chemical laboratory; manufacturing sulfa w/ voice over warning about not taking when not needed so body doesn’t build up immunity. 21:05:57 Art title card: D Day At Home - U.S.A. June 6, 1944. “A great many show what it was like back home on D-Day... 21:06:32 Aerial of twin-engine planes & others over English Channel, ship convoy below. Planes dropping bombs & exploding on rail yards, river island. D-Day landing from air. 21:07:02 Milk wagon pulled by horse along trees in bloom, milkman w/ bottles to porch & taking empties. 21:07:28 Policeman / watchman at transistor radio. Alarm clock beside table radio w/ hand turning on; turning on car radio. Speaker in airplane factory w/ workers assembling planes. Women workers looking up, listening. GOOD. Radio announcement voice over. 21:08:24 Newspaper boy picks up papers w/ Invasion headlines. Hand inking tear-sheet for Rappahannock Times. Papers off presses in CU. 21:08:46 Boys on bicycles w/ bags of newspapers in Florida. Woman picks up paper at screen door reads headlines. Jersey City woman gets newspaper. City newsboys selling papers on street to war workers. Headlines CUs. GOOD. 21:09:21 NYC street & reading papers; Blacks & Whites; nun; construction workers. Holding papers w/ headlines showing. 21:09:56 Tracking shot from top of car; zipper sign in times square. People sitting on park benches & on grass. Various situations around country, reading & talking. Chinese reading in San Francisco. Invasion; June 1944; WW2; WWII Homefront - USA; Communications; Miracle Drugs; Medicine; Drugs; Industry - Pharmaceutical - Manufacturing; NOTE: Continued on R2 on LN 501-798 & 221669.