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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220560-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Nuremberg
TC Begins: 04:25:20
TC Ends: 04:28:45
Duration: 00:03:25
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Nuremberg War Crime Trial, Organizational Charges. 28Feb46 Robert Jackson continued... SOF (English) Without responsibility to law & w/o warrant from any court, they were enabled to seize property, take away liberty & even take life itself. These organizations had a calculated part, and a decisive part, in the barbaric extremes of the Nazi movement. They served cleverly to exploit mob psychology & to manipulate the mob. Multiplying the number of persons in a common enterprise always tends to diminish the individual's sense of moral responsibility & to increase his sense of security. The Nazi leaders were masters of that technique. They manipulated these organizations to make before the German populace impressive exhibitions of numbers & of power, which have already been shown on the screen. They were used to incite a mob spirit & then riotously to gratify the popular hates they had inflamed & the Germanic ambitions they had inflated. These organizations indoctrinated & practiced violence & terrorism. They provided the systematized, aggressive, & disciplined execution throughout Germany & the occupied countries of the plan for crimes which we have proven. The flowering of this system is represented in the fanatical SS General Ohlendorf, who told this Tribunal without shame or trace of pity how he personally directed the putting to death of 90,000 men, women, & children. No tribunal ever listened to a recital of such wholesale murder as this Tribunal heard from him & from Wisliceny, a fellow officer of the SS. Their own testimony shows the SS responsibility for the extermination program which took the lives of 5 million Jews, a responsibility that that organization welcomed & discharged methodically, remorselessly, & thoroughly. These crimes w/ which we deal are unprecedented, first because of the shocking number of victims. They are even more shocking & unprecedented because of the large number of people who united their efforts to perpetrate them. All scruple or conscience of a very large segment of the German people was committed to the keeping of these organizations, & their devotees felt no personal sense of guilt as they went from one extreme to another. On the other hand, they developed a contest in cruelty & a competition in crime. Ohlendorf, from the witness stand, accused other SS commanders whose killings...” (abrupt end of reel). Post-WW2; Holocaust Charges; Extermination; Evidence; Horrors of War; Crimes Against Humanity; 1940s; NOTE: Partial or entire of 04:18:06 - 04:28:45 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate. Good sound quality.