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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220560-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Nuremberg
TC Begins: 04:36:49
TC Ends: 04:46:47
Duration: 00:09:58
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Nuremberg War Crime Trial, Shawcross Summation. 27Jul46 Munich 323 Poor quality at start, usable from 04:37:12. SOF Shawcross voice often heard behind visuals of defendants, MPs & lawyers listening. “You are asked to believe that these 21 ministers and leading of officers of state did not know of these matters,were not responsible. It is for you to decide.” (edit) 04:37:34 “Some it may be are more guilty than others; some played a more direct & active part than others in these frightful crimes. But when these crimes are such as you have to deal w/ here, slavery, mass murder & world war, when the consequences of these crimes are the deaths of over 20 million of our fellow men, the devastation of a continent, the spread of untold tragedy & suffering throughout the world, what mitigation is it that some took less part than others, that some were principals & others mere accessories. What matters it if some forfeited their lives only a thousand times whilst others deserved a million deaths? In one way the fate of these men means little. Their personal power for evil lies forever broken; they have convicted & discredited each other & finally destroyed the legend they created around the figure of their leader. But on their fate great issues must still depend for the ways of truth & righteousness between the nations of the world, the hope of future international cooperation in the administration of law & justice are in your hands. This Trial must form a milestone in the history of civilization, not only bringing retribution to these guilty men, not only marking that right shall in the end triumph over evil, but also that the ordinary people of the world, and I make no distinction now between friend or foe, are not determined that the individual must transcend the state. The state & the law are made for men, that thru them he may achieve a fuller life, a higher purpose & a greater dignity. States may be great & powerful. Ultimately the rights of men, made as all men are made in the image of God, are fundamental. When the state, either because as here its leaders have lusted for power & place, or under some specious pretext that the end may justify the means, affronts these things, they may for a time become obscured & submerged. But they are immanent & ultimately they will assert themselves more strongly still, their immanence more” (edit) 04:40:49 “liberty, love, understanding-comes to this Court & cries: These are our laws- let them prevail! Then shall those other words of Goethe be translated into fact, not only, as we must hope, of the German people but of the whole community of man: ‘thus ought the German people to behave, giving & receiving from the world, their hearts open to every fruitful source of wonder, great thru understanding & love, thru mediation & the spirit; thus ought they to be, that is their destiny’. You will remember when you come to give your decision the story of Grabe, but not in vengeance; in a determination that these things shall not occur again. The father, do you remember, pointed to the sky & seemed to say something to his boy." 04:42:04 Shawcross ends, bows & turns as President adjourns the Tribunal. Shawcross talking w/ Russian general w/ woman translator as other people moving about. Underexposed. Continued on 220560-08. Post-WW2; Holocaust Charges; Extermination; Evidence; Horrors of War; Crimes Against Humanity; 1940s; NOTE: Partial or entire of 04:36:49 - 04:46:47 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate. Good sound quality.