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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220496-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914
Country: Italy,Poland,Russia,Switzerland
Location: Berne,Moscow,Sicily,St. Petersburg,Warsaw
TC Begins: 00:25:29
TC Ends: 00:30:01
Duration: 00:04:32
1914 - Russia Boys Exercise; Motor Racing; Warsaw Sawmill Fire; Berne Exhibition; Sicily Earthquake Aftermath Russian Inter-title: Moscow - Children perform gymnastics - Calisthenics. Large group of children across white wooden bridge, reflected in still water. In large field do exercises in unison as others watch. Boys in pyramid, five students high; large group of boys w/ shaved heads eating & drinking milk from bottles. 00:26:47 Russian inter-title: St. Petersburg - Death of Dini and Plassanat during motor races. 00:26:54 Spectators lining road as open-wheeled cars go past. Men run along road after crash (not seen), people standing around wreckage of cars. 00:27:57 Russian Inter-title: Warsaw - fire at sawmill. 00:28:02 Firemen hosing down piles of lumber & timbers as flames burning. 00:28:46 Russian Inter-title: Switzerland - The Berne Exhibition. 00:28:51 LS interior of exhibition hall. Exteriors of building. 00:28:57 Russian inter-title: ?? 00:29:01 Building under construction. 00:29:06 Russian inter-title 00:29:09 Building. NOTE: 15May - 15Oct14 Switzerland’s third National Exhibition. 00:29:13 Russian Inter-title: Aftermath of earthquake in Sicily. 00:29:20 Rubble of damaged buildings. man & boy walk past; many homeless on streets. Tents & people. Automobile Racing; Mediterranean Natural Disasters; 1910s;