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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220494-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914
Country: France,Russia
Location: Moscow,Paris,Vincennes
TC Begins: 22:42:42
TC Ends: 22:47:33
Duration: 00:04:51
1914 - WWI, Preparations in France & Russia Main & intertitles in Russian: Vincennes France - Sailors undergo drill training and leave for the front 22:42:56 Soldiers under rows of summer trees in park practicing bayonet thrusts while people w/ bicycles & others watch. Troops in ranks in square; others march in. Officers w/ swords lining them up. 22:43:54 Russian inter-title: Vincennes New French 105mm mortars Troops w/ large horse-pulled mortars on carriages leaving across field past camera. 22:44:23 Russian inter-title: Paris - military authorities taking measures for the city’s defense Cutting down trees as people watch, horses & wagons, pedestrians on street behind. 22:44:48 Russian inter-title: Moscow - Members of the Hunting club under the patronage of Grand Princess Elizaveta Fyodovna making bandages for the army Many, mostly young women, sitting in rows at tables rolling bandages. Older woman using large shear to cut material. 22:45:50 Line of women using treadle sewing machines. Men using slitting machine. Bundling & packaging for shipment. WW1 Preparations; Military Soldiers; Russia Homefront; 1910s; 1914; Medical Supplies; Grand Dutchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova;