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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221589-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1971
Country: Kazakhstan,Russia,USSR,Uzbekistan
Location: Kazakhstan,Moscow,Samarkand,Tashkent,UZBEKISTAN
TC Begins: 00:01:30
TC Ends: 00:11:06
Duration: 00:09:36
Black Americans Visit USSR R1 of 2 (aka A Delegation Of American Negroes In The USSR) Central Documentary Film Studios, Moscow made for the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Aug71 Scientists, public leaders, writers & students invited by Institute of Soviet-American relations. LS Moscow. Delegation of Black Americans out of plane & welcomed by Russians. Views Moscow buildings. Reception at Moscow City Soviet w/ Deputy Chairman Vassili Isai & meeting around conference table. 00:02:48 CUs Journalist George Murphy; Freedomways Magazine correspondent Norma Rogers; Professor of Physics John Pappademos; Student Jane Williams; Librarian Pauline Young; Rodney Sampson of Afro-American Center; Professor of Political Economy Robert Rhodes (sp?); Jocyln Chislee, house wife; Alan Chislee, flower shop owner; Writer Alice Childress; Ella Pappademos, school teacher. 00:03:26 - 00:04:00 POV from car around Moscow streets incl. pedestrians, modern buildings. 00:04:00 Int of building looking out doors, sidewalk & pedestrians. High angle Red Square. Black delegates place wreath at Lenin’s Tomb; look at Lenin statue. Kremlin; Czar’s cannon; Tzar bell. 00:05:26 Delegates arrive at Union of Soviet Writers, ext. & interior. Meeting w/ writers. 00:06:04 Tashkent, Uzbekistan & city views. George Murphy wearing Uzbek hat talks w/ locals. Asian & European pedestrians. University campus; delegates talk & shake hands w/ students. 00:07:28 Hospital w/ nurses & patients including mother & child in bedrooms - narration re free health care. 00:08:02 Street scenes. Delegation at Tashkent Tractor Works. Woman factory worker at machine. Assembly line of tractors. 00:08:48 Dry desert steppes in Uzbekistan; water canals flows. Delegation shown irrigation system & in cotton field with Uzbek farmer. 00:09:51 Samarkand; Sher Dor Madrassa & other ancient building details, tiles. Street scenes & market. Travelogue; Political Propaganda; Cold War; Ethnic Cultures; NOTE: Shrinkage near end causing movement; may not be on 220429. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.