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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221419-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s,1970s
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Moscow
TC Begins: 13:10:46
TC Ends: 13:20:22
Duration: 00:09:36
Moscow Under Construction Pt. 1 of 2 Made for overseas distribution. Credits. 13:11:20 Pan over bride & groom & wedding party walking along overlook & on bridge over Volga. High angle shot of city. Many buses outside Red Square & Kremlin. Traffic. Apartment houses, parks. Interior & women at drafting tables. Architectural office or Univeristy classes. Views of modern apartment buildings intercut w/ students at work. 13:14:49 Large model of city layout. 13:14:21 Rural log cabins in snow & rain (may be stills). Aerial over large cloverleaf & around apartment buildings. POV in car past construction, seen thru parks. People walking in park & woods. Traffic & parks; Old church in park setting. Museum or ?? in old building in autumn. Aerial over many old buildings & Kremlin (?). Construction site & man operating crane, concrete beams brought into place; prefabricated concrete sections placed. 13:18:42 Man welding high on building. Women students (?) sketching; workmen walking on construction, hats hanging in CU. Zoom in on completed buildings. Interor & people moving furniture in. Tilt up building walls. Interior of kitchen & woman unpacking & putting things away. Books onto shelves. Boy unpacking suitcase. Continued... USSR Daily Life 1960s; 1970s; Workers; Modern Architecture; NOTE: Sound track is missing.