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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221170-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958
Country: China,Hungary,Japan,Russia,USSR
Location: Caucasus,Leningrad,Moscow
TC Begins: 17:03:17
TC Ends: 17:13:48
Duration: 00:10:31
NOTE: For ordering information see: or contact us at: Russian News of the Day 1958 #37 September “In Honor of 21st Congress of CPSU” CU upcoming 21st CPSU congress newspaper articles. CU textile team leader in factory meeting to increase production amounts, CU workers promise to beat production targets (all MOS), high angle factory worker meeting hall, big portrait of Lenin in the front, applause. 17:04:28 Big electric towers rise in field, man tightens big screw, high angle electric power lines, men work on the turbine, ext, power station, power lines across fields. 17:04:59 Grain harvest, people shovel grain at outdoor storage, loading & unloading trucks; augers working. 17:05:44 “New Atomic Electric Power Station” Ext, power station, int, high angle station hall, atomic reactor in the middle of the hall; control room & woman switches on reactor. Building next to the atomic reactor building, int, large turbines, large control room, electric power lines. 17:06:58 “Hands of China” Leningrad machine factory’s anti-American meeting, speaker on the podium, high angle workers crowd around podium, all vote to give full support to Chinese people. Moscow auto-factory anti-American meeting, speaker on podium, demands (MOS) in the name of all Soviet nations immediate US troop evacuation from (Nationalist) China, crowds, placard - “Hands off of China”. 17:07:50 “Newly Born City” Fireworks, flashback to 1943, Soviet troops ride on tanks thru city after fleeing from Nazi occupied Orel & Balgorod. Prisoners wave thru prison window, freed men come out of prison injured on crutches, soldier up ladder to put flag next to sign - Stalin’s street. Orel, city in ruins, building w/ city’s name. 1958 & rebuilt city, high angle train station, city scenes, house where 15 years ago 05Aug43 Red soldier put up soviet flag, CU remembrance plate, people on the street, high angle city. 17:09:10 Kremlin Audience, on stage International VIPs from Japan, India, CU Japanese professor Kaoru Yesoy(?) w/ wife & daughter. Academician Skobelcin presents professor Yesoy w/ International Lenin Prize. 17:10:22 Moscow International Festival of Educational - Popular films. Filmmakers from 32 countries meet for 12th Congress. Delegates talk in entrance hall, photographers take pictures. High angle audience, on stage at microphone association president Belgian Luke Hezets(?). Congress Chairman Surin & USSR Deputy Minister of Culture Koftanov(?), high angle applauding audience. 17:11:23 Caucasus countryside, bulldozers level hills for agriculture, surveyor; terraced fields & CU peach trees, grapes. 17:11:59 Introduction of new truck. Man shows interior, thru countryside, lorry up mountain road. 17:12:45 “Hungarian Ice Ballet” Moscow sports palace, LS ice ring, Budapest’s ice theater group, perform folk dance on ice, skating two-man horse & clown dance on ice (GAG), horse falls down & shakes legs in the air, stands up & poses for applauding public, skates up to couple sitting on heart shaped bench hiding behind umbrella, horse pushes off umbrella, sits between them. Finale all artists skate around the ring, throw flowers in to public. The End. Cold War; 1950s; NOTE: For ordering information see: or contact us at: