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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221171-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Country: Poland,Russia,Sudan,Ukraine,USSR
Location: Moscow,SOCHI,Ukraine,Warsaw
TC Begins: 18:15:18
TC Ends: 18:26:02
Duration: 00:10:44
Russian News of the Day 1961 #30 July “Soviet - Sudan friendship is getting stronger”. Khrushchev meets Sudan’s Prime minister - Ibrahim Abboud at Black Sea resort of Sochi; crowds applaud, take pictures, Khrushchev & Abboud smile & wave. They drive in open top car. Shot of the sea. Khrushchev & Abboud on balcony wave to people gathering on the beach. Khrushchev & Abboud in meeting hall stand next to table, walk out of building down the stairs towards beach, put hand around each other, talk on pier, shake hands, smile, Khrushchev waves as Abboud leaves in boat. 18:16:52 ‘Winners of Moscow's kinofestival’. 2nd International Moscow Film Festival. High angle of cinema Russia, big cinema hall. On podium USSR Minister of Culture Kurcova, audience applaud, CU of medals, prize giving, 1st prize split between 2 best movies from Japanese and Soviet producers, all winners greeted on stage, applause, big kiss. 18:18:05 ‘Towards 22nd congress of CPSU’. Siberia, big rocks, newly built railway line through Siberian taiga. Crowds gather for new railroad’s opening, cut the ribbon, train goes thru big bridge over dam construction site, shots of train. 18:18:55 ‘Worldwide youth forum’. Ext. of building w/ banner, young people from 91 countries gather; on podium USSR chairman of Committee of organizations of Soviet youth, Various nationalities applaud, shot of stage w/ big poster. Various speakers incl. chairman Bobrovnikov, head of Soviet delegation. Pavlov reads out greetings from Khrushchev (MOS), CU people listen w/ earpieces, audience give standing applause. Delegation of Moscow children run into hall w/ flowers & balloons, kids in various national costumes dance on stage, balloons passed over audience. 18:20:42 Kremlin. Brezhnev meets ambassador of Nepal Sinha (?), both parties read their speeches and give exchange ceremonial documents, shake hands. 18:21:21 Ukraine collective farm leader in car, thru huge field; 2 men walk through buckwheat field, look at plants. CU pig farm leader walks past workers, checks tractor, high angle pigs outside sheds of farm. Views of man driving swather cutting grain. High angle farm house & buildings, CU farm leader in car drives past big fields. 18:22:26 Girls pick flowers, lots of ducks on lake, young summer workers fill food trays for young ducks on duck farm, girl rings bell, all ducks run to the farm, HA birds, CU teenagers. 18:23:08 Western Siberia, Altai mountains, mountaineering expedition along ridge & snow field, shot of climbing boots, man crosses rivers on rope, group thru snow field & rappeling down icy cliffs. CU girl in sunglasses smiles, looks up to the sky, shot of mountains w/ clouds. 18:23:54 Moldavian folk group performing on stage, CU male singer sings in Moldavian (SOF), shot of people up in the tree. Various shots of ensemble members - play music instruments, sing, public applaud. 18:24:48 ‘Warshav applauds Gagarin’. Streets packed w/ people, crowds gather in central airport to greet Yuri Gagarin, people look up the sky. Gagarin off plane, waves & shakes hands w/ Polish Workers Party leaders, photographers take pictures. Big crowds, Gagarin on podium in large square. Gagarin thru streets in open car, escorted by policemen on motorbikes, roadside packed w/ people, wave flags, throw flowers at passing car. Car stops, crowds of people shake car as Gagarin looks around, smiles, shots of Gagarin throwing flowers from car to the public. The End.