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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221165-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972,1970s
Country: Azerbaijan,Germany,Russia,USSR
Location: Azerbaijan,Bonn,Kamchatka,Moscow
TC Begins: 07:40:45
TC Ends: 07:51:27
Duration: 00:10:42
Russian News of the Day 1972 #19 May Moscow, Kremlin Kosygin meets Vietnam delegation w/ government minister Suant Hui(?), delegates shake hands, enter meeting room, CU of Kosygin & Vietnam’s delegates. 07:41:58 Azerbaijan, aerials over oil production sea port on Caspian Sea as large helicopter lands w/ workers. Oil derrick & drilling platform on the water, CU workers handling pipes & equipment, lowering pipe. Ship past towers & pipelines. 07:43:41 Moscow, Soviet committee meeting about European safety, CU audience. Committee Chairman Shitikov on podium. Other members on podium incl. USSR Science Academy VP Milijonshekov(?), cosmonout & pilot Tereshkova & others. All committee members vote to send USSR delegation to Brussels Assembly of European Safety, applause. 07:44:43 Mountains, chemical industry factory, high angle of factory, men work on big drilling machinery, huge explosion in the mountains. Siberia? Open-pit mine. Workers on big machinery, CU of truck driver, lorry loaded w/ ore; trucks dump into underground tunnel w/ train cars that take it to factory. Train out of tunnel w/ heavy loaded carriages. 07:45:58 Kamchatka, Bering sea, spring ice floats on the water, ships in the sea. People work in ice breaker’s control room. Captain at wheel, big ice chunks in the water, CU captain. Captain shares 40 years experience w/ young assistant; shows how to set course on sea map, looks out window w/ binoculars. High angle open sea, line of smaller chips follow big ice braking ship. Aerials over ships. 07:47:12 Bonn, West Germany Streets filled w/ crowds of people, demonstrate w/ banners to ratify agreement w/ Soviet Union & Republic of Poland, high angle demonstration. Bundestag, meets to ratify agreement. Ex-Chancellor Kiesinger on podium makes anti-Brandt & agreement speech( MOS), various shots of audience. Willi Brandt on podium, convinces audience of agreement’s necessity, public applaud incl shots Franz-Josef Strauss, Walter Scheel, Ludwig Erhard. 07:48:16 High angle deputies place votes about leading party’s opposition's proposal to replace Brandt w/ their party’s chairman Barzel, various shots of voters. Votes poured from see-through box on to table & counted, high angle of votes on table. Brandt gets winning vote, audience applaud, congratulate winner. 07:49:06 Sport. European football championship, USSR & Yugoslavia teams in stadium, various shots of game, goals. Soviet team wins game 3 to 0, CU supporters cheer, applaud, high angle cheering soccer fans. End: 07:51:27 1970s; Diplomacy; Diplomats; Newsreel;