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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221624-42
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
Location: fort Oglethorpe,Georgia,North Africa
TC Begins: 11:06:04
TC Ends: 11:09:56
Duration: 00:03:52
Arabs Form Desert Unit Pan over mechanized units in camouflage paint. Tribes men reviewed. CUs. Line of vehicles across North African (?) desert. WWII; WW2; 1944; 11:06:43 Title: WAC Review For Easter. 11:06:47 WACs marching on parade ground, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia in shape of cross for Easter. 11:07:22 Title: War Film Bulletin No. 14 - A Personal Message To The Black Market 11:07:29 Man outside service station, convertible pulls up, (SOF) What’ll it be? Five gallons... They argue as driver doesn’t already have his information on the ration coupons. 11:08:11 Agent pulls up w/ phoney coupon sheet, says he might have to be a witness. They all talk about how to stop chiselers & Black Market. 11:09:26 CU Chester Bowles, Price Administrator SOF “Our ten million soldiers & buy coupons, don’t buy gas without coupons.” Buy Bonds - The End WW2 USA Home Front; PSA; Public Service Announcement;