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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221131-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: Bulgaria,France,Germany,Morocco,Norway,Romania,Spain Bessarabia,Spanish Morocco
Location: Dombrudscha,Galatz Graz,Konigsberg MADRID,Oslo,Sofia,Strasbourg,Tangier
TC Begins: 09:52:02
TC Ends: 10:04:24
Duration: 00:12:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Die Deutsches Wochenschau - unknown release Strasbourg craft school, students enter thru wrought iron gate. Int. students in art class, female student sketching owl. Girl model poses in traditional Alsatian dress for sculptors. Student make wrought iron window frames. Student decorates leather book cover w/ gold leaf. Student doing etching. Brief street scene, students sketch Alsatian Museum. Student in upstairs room draws city rooftops. 09:54:07 Konigsberg, 28th Eastern Trade Fair Crowds as Economics Minister Funk w/ others enter hall. Various countries exhibitions, large railroad engine, bust of Hitler with flags. (scratched from 01:55:36 - 09:55:09) 09:55:11 Madrid, bullring exteriors w/ entrance draped with Nazi flags. Marching German pipe band into bullring, Spaniards cheer & applaud. Military band plays watched by unid. German officer & other VIPs (including Spanish Minister of Interior Serrano Suner & General Moscardo). Franco seen. 09:56:48 Spanish Morocco, Tangier. Spanish ships, guns loaded & trained on North African coastline. Spanish troops into landing craft. Moroccan troops under Spanish authority invade across border on horseback. Cheering crowds. Tangier (International Zone) border post. Troops march in Tangiers. Commandant of Spanish troops w/ French officers who accept the occupation. Franco. 09:58:48 Bulgaria, Bulgarian cavalry enter Dombrudscha, cheering crowds w/ flowers. Sofia, King Boris down cathedral steps after mass, inspects Honor Guard. Cheering locals march past w/ banners. King Boris & family on balcony of palace. 10:00:14 Galatz, Bessarabia German relocation troops march down street. Mass of military cars & buses for relocation of Bessarabian-Germans lined up in field. Map shows Bessarabia between Soviet Russia & Rumania. Bessarabian-German locals welcome German soldiers w/ bowls of fruit. Soldier put proclamation (”Appeal to return to the Reich”) on wall, local ringing handbell summons men of village to read poster. Locals wait to register for relocation & get relocation cards. Man writing sign. 10:02:29 Priests etc leave church after last mass in Bessarabia. Farewell party: German soldiers dance w/ local girls in traditional dress. Families returning to Germany helped aboard trains. German officers wave, families salute from train windows. 10:03:21 Train arriving in Graz, Austria. Crowds thru steet, banner across road. 10:03:35 Norway - Oslo. Fascists march. Viktor Quisling enters hall, addresses Fascist meeting. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII; Nazis; Expansion; 1940;