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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220857-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1943
Country: China,North Africa,Russia,Tunisia
Location: Chungking
TC Begins: 02:45:08
TC Ends: 02:55:59
Duration: 00:10:51
Giornale Luce No. 332 CHUNGKING Soldiers march in China jungle. Japanese soldiers crawling, fire machine guns, rifles & mortars; single file walk down spectacular mountainside. Japanese soldiers crawl up mountain firing machine gun; throwing hand grenade, explosions.. 02:46:53 RUSSIAN FRONT Heavy German artillery on Russian front firing towards sea. German soldiers in street fighting, firing in forest. Russian tank burning. Russian corpses lie dead on beach. Russian tanks in water demolished by German gunfire. 02:48:18 RUSSIAN FRONT Winter. Italian aviators looking at map & receive pre-flight instructions. Soldier petting cat in his pocket. Soldiers dig plane from snow, ice on plane propeller. Italian fliers leav3 readyroom. Harsh winter conditions: troops on windswept snowy road; horse falling; men push truck etc. MCU German Volkswagen & tanks thru snow. German soldiers receiving instructions from officer. Artillery firing, village buildings burning, German soldiers advancing thru village. German soldiers in German tanks in formation across field. German Stukas in diving flight over target area which they have been bombing. Germans firing artillery & machine gun from tanks. Russian prisoners captured by Germans. Demolished Russian tanks. 02:52:20 TUNISIAN FRONT Motorcycles of Italian quartermaster corps delivering supplies, bread. Men load trailers. Men on motorcycles ford small stream which runs over roadway. Camels loaded w/ quartermaster supplies by Italian soldiers. Italian soldiers in desert move forward on run; firing machine guns from top of hillside. Motorcycles approach village;run forward w/ machine guns. Gas tank in foreground. (These are Special Mountain Fighters.) Tanks advance across plain; smoke on horizon (believed to be American). Group of American & British POWs. WWII North Africa Fighting;