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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221659-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1944,1940s
Country: Algeria,England,France,Portugal,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Algiers,Beja,MedJez el BaB,North Africa
TC Begins: 03:07:18
TC Ends: 03:16:54
Duration: 00:09:36
Tunisian Victory R3 of 8 Landing craft to shore, men in boat; overhead shots. Dive bomber. French ships firing at Allied ships; large allied ships firing barrages, ammunition stockpile exploding. Landing craft to shore, troops up beach, tanks thru water. Wounded. Troops in city, street fighting. 03:09:14 Animation of German invasion of Unoccupied France. CU Petain in civilian clothes; Gen. Clark w/ Darlan. 03:09:27 Surrender of German Armistice Commissions from Hotel D’ Atlantique (?); loaded into army trucks, people jeering at them. LS Algiers, British Lt. General Kenneth Anderson arriving; Gen. Giraud; Gen. Eisenhower. Military parade, spectators. 03:10:20 Animation of bomber & naval routes form Europe. Germans aboard ships underway. Allied Generals talking. Troops move along roads; camels & Arabs. Railroads w/ soldiers in freight cars. Animation of Sicily - Tunisia area. Allied bomber taxiing across desert field. Many German planes on field, from air. Dug in in Tunisia. 03:11:36 Allied tanks, trucks advance along mountain roads, French soldiers by train w/ mules, British & US paratroops landing; walkie talkie. Ship unloading commandos. German Luftwaffe planes attacking US airfield. Map of advance towards Tunis & Bizerte. 03:13:11 German soldiers arriving by ship. Field Marshal Albert Kesselring w/ troops. 03:13:24 Allied equipment & troops along road, fighting in Tunisia, riflemen, machine guns, explosions, across desert & marching along roads. Cu sign: Beja. Radioman. French General Berri (sp?) & French troops firing. General Anderson. Tanks across desert. Cu sign: MedJez el Bab. Troops thru town. Tanks & trucks on highway. Aerial. 03:14:45 25Nov42 Tank battle. GOOD. 03:15:15 Animation of pushing Nazis back at Bizerte & Tunis. Troops advance up mountain road. Signs. City from hills. Germans attack, explosions, bombs falling, dive bombing planes. Large explosions. soldiers running taking cover. Casualties. Burning planes & retreating Allied troops. WW2; WWII; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1942; 1940s; Training; North African Invasion; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; NOTE: Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality.