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Tunisian Victory R5 of 8

Reel Number: 221660-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942,1944,1940s

Country: Algeria,England,France,Libya,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Algiers,North Africa

TC Begins: 04:00:16

TC Ends: 04:11:02

Duration: 00:10:46

Tunisian Victory R5 of 8 Montage: CU large church bells ringing; New England church steeple. Cathedral & large churches. Soldiers dropping paper confetti. Christmas card. Soldiers moving mail bags; troops run for mail call. Read letters. Soldier checks Christmas stocking hanging on tent. Packages, unwrapping. Troops plucking goose; chickens passed out. Cooking. mess call & serving turkey. Serving Christmas pudding. Eating from mess kits. Eisenhower eating. Feeding puppy, burro, pig. Monkey groom soldiers hair. 04:03:03 Troops & Arab kids. Red Cross feeding kids. 04:03:36 Montage: sightseeing in Arabian town; street magician performing tricks; trained monkey. Sphinx. Troops on camel, fall off. Muslim women w/ veils. Cricket, baseball, pinups. Bathing, cleaning rifles. 04:04:41 President Roosevelt in jeep reviewing troops in North Africa w/ secret service & guns. Churchill reviewing troops. 04:05:08 Casablanca art deco Anfa Hotel & military VIPs meeting. Gen. De Gaulle & Giraud arrive & talk. British & American Chief of Staff Conference w/ Gen. Marshall & General Hap Arnold, Sir Alan Brooke (w/ glasses). Gen. Ike w/ others under camouflage netting; British Gen Alexander, Adm Cunningham, Air Marshall Tedder. Briefings. FDR & Churchill. 04:06:17 Churchill & plane Commando to Tripoli w/ Montgomery. 04:06:31 Map of Tunisia & military lines; Mareth Line. Rommel. German tanks, soldiers moving up in trucks, motorcycles. Luftwaffe bombers. Animation of German supply lines, attack routes. Germans moving up. Animation of German breakout & advance thru Kasserine pass. 04:08:31 German generals in car w/ maps. Animation of German retreat. Allied advance thru Kasserine Pass. German new Tiger tank & British 17 pounder anti-tank gun. Smoking, burning tanks. 04:09:24 Allied Generals confering w/ Ike. Animated diagram of plan of attack like a piston. LS of mountains. Ike & others on airstrip. Gen. Spaatz; Jimmy Doolittle; Nose art: Yankee Doodle, Jersey Jackass, Alice the ??, Fancy Pants. WW2; WWII; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1942; 1940s; North African Fighting; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; Army Air Force; Tunisia; Libya; NOTE: Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality.

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