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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220762-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Algeria,England,Italy,North Africa,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Oran,Sicily
TC Begins: 03:36:11
TC Ends: 03:40:18
Duration: 00:04:07
WWII - 1940s, Military History: The 1st Infantry Division / Big Red One in World War 2, 1942-1944 Title. Tilt down soldier in clean uniform w/ rifle at attention, turns & slowly marches. Historical montage of trousers & feet showing uniforms & boots from Revolution, Civil War, WW1 & WW2. Civilian recruits out of building; training, obstacle course, machine gun, beachhead; animated map. Troopship approaching Oran in North Africa w/ General Terry Allen, CU. Shipboard relaxing. Waiting for landing & ships firing at night. Landing craft hit the beaches. Animated map, Oran landing. Traveling on freight trains in North Africa. German dive bombers, explosions, tanks & artillery. Fighting Kasserine. Desert fighting. Rommel in staff car. Panzers under attack. Animated map. Night, artillery firing, men moving forward almost in silhouette lit by flashes from gunfire. US and British troops, greeting & meeting after crossing the Mareth Line at Tunisia / Libya. Up gangplank loading on ships to Sicily; landing craft to shore. Map. Thru towns & fighting w/ artillery. Hilltop views and aerial over hilltop town. Later, ruined towns, civilian refugees. WW2; Military History; 1942; 1943; Compilation Documentary NOTE: Entire film is montage of brief shots. BUT very good quality and useful.