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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220879-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1943,1940s
Country: Egypt,England,Germany,Libya,North Africa,United Kingdom,USA,West Africa
Location: El Alamein,North Africa,West Africa
TC Begins: 13:00:15
TC Ends: 13:12:02
Duration: 00:11:47
WWII - 1940s, North Africa Documents the El Alamein campaign - shows both Allied & German side. British tank in desert. Compass. Troops swatting flies. Sleeping out. Sandstorm cloud. German tank and artillery convoy advances in desert. German planes fly over desert. Map of Allied troops journey to El Alamein via Tobruk. LS Cairo, Alexandria, Suez Canal, the Qattara Depression, and British positions at El Alamein - Auchinlech’s 8th army digging trenches, burying landmines. 13:06:13 Battle footage from both sides: British firing guns. Nazis firing back. German planes bomb British positions and British retort w/ antiaircraft guns. 13:07:27 Winston Churchill visits the army and brings General Montgomery and General Alexander to relieve General Auchinlech. Letter from Churchill to Montgomery outlining duty in North African campaign. 13:08:57 British war production - armament factories - women workers - production lines - aircraft manufacture. 13:09:59 American war production - Sherman tank manufacture. Exterior factory. 13:10:33 Describes the British strategic situation with map of Africa showing sea and air routes. Palm trees felled and terrain cleared for landing strips on West Coast of Africa. British planes on African airfield & in flight. WW2; 1942; 1943; Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Poor sound.