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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221231-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,Germany,Morocco,Spain
Location: Berlin,Madrid,North Africa,Prague
TC Begins: 20:23:27
TC Ends: 20:33:57
Duration: 00:10:30
WWII - 1942, German Newsreel: Spain; Germany; Czechoslovakia; North Africa. Titles. 20:24:07 Sultan of Morocco & party arrive in Madrid - off train, greeted by Ramon Serrano Suner. Fascist salutes in crowd - Sultan salutes Spanish flag. Motorcade thru streets w/ cavalry escort. 20:24:46 Nazi VIPs at 70th birthday of Reichsminister for Mail, Dr. Ohnesorge. Inc. Schaub, Rosenberg, Field Marshal Milch, Himmler, Dietrich. 20:25:42 Funeral of Reinhard Heydrich, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Mourners file thru courtyard of Hradschin past coffin, give Nazi salutes inc. little girls. Some lay flowers - top shot huge queue of mourners line street - men in local dress give Nazi salute. Top shots funeral procession thru streets of city; across bridge w/ coffin on gun carriage, civilians line streets. 20:27:47 Berlin - INT Reichschancellery. Heydrich’s coffin lying in state w/ full ceremonial pomp: SS banners, flaming torches, guards, crowd giving Nazi salute as Hitler arrives & greets Nazis including Goering & Heydrich’s young sons. Himmler to podium for speech. Hitler lays wreath w/ monogrammed ribbon - Heydrich’s son gives Nazi salute, Hitler pats him on cheek. Coffin carried out of Reichschancellory in procession thru streets of Berlin. CU coffin on gun carriage moves L-R, Brandenburg Gate in BG. 20:31:00 Capitan Kremer’s U-Boat arrives at dock after successful mission; damage - submariners greeted by Nazi officers w/ beer & sweets. 20:31:49 Africa - Nazi officer Galland in white jacket. Signpost: Damenbad - Zu den Ortsteilen - Heineckendorf 1km; & Juden Ortsteten. Nazi officers into tent marked Stern von Libyen. Luftwaffe fighter plane flies low, returning from front & taxis on desert runway. Pilot out of cockpit, carried on shoulders of ground crew. CU Nazi swastika on tailfin. Rommel decorated w/ sash by Italian officer Bastico. Assassinated Nazis; North Africa Campaign; U-Boats; 1940s; WW2; NOTE: Ohnesorge (1872 - 01Feb62was involved w/ Nazi radio & A-bomb efforts. Post-war charges against him were dropped. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.