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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-52
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: USA
Location: hyde park,New York City,NYC,Warm Springs, Georgia,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 06:11:48
TC Ends: 06:13:45
Duration: 00:01:57
WWII - 1944, USA Government: President Roosevelt re-elected to 4th Term Intertitle: Roosevelt Re-elected To 4th Term. 06:11:53 MS FDR at desk. 06:12:03 FDR leaving White House for 1933 inauguration in car w/ Herbert Hoover. 06:12:16 Montage: Swimming w/ polio kids. Seated for pictures at Tehran w/ Stalin & Churchill. Reviewing troops from jeep w/ General Eisenhower in North Africa. Seated w/ MacArthur; MacArthur w/ pointer at map discussing strategy against Japan (Nimitz present). Standing in front of voting booth; Dewey out of voting booth. CU Truman as Senator & Vice President candidate. High Angle / HA NYC Times Square at night & at Hyde Park, NY: people waiting for election results. FDR sitting, after hearing of electoral victory. 06:13:15 Dewey speech conceding defeat, SOF: “It’s clear that Mr. Roosevelt has been re-elected for a 4th term; and every good American will wholeheartedly accept the will of the people. I am confident that all Americans will join me in the devout hope that Divine Providence in the years ahead will guide & protect the President of the United States.” 06:13:40 MCU FDR at desk. WW2; 1940s; Presidential Election Results; Infantile Paralysis;