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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1590-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: France,Morocco,USA
Location: marrakech,North Africa,Port Lyautey,Rabat
TC Begins: 01:24:50
TC Ends: 01:35:52
Duration: 00:11:02
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1942, French Morocco: Military Officers, Rabat; Marrakech. ca Dec42 Allied military officers at Gen Auguste Nogues home, Rabat; including Gen Robert Boissau, Admiral Michelieu, Gen Lascroux & Gen La Houlle of France; Maj Gen George S . Patton, Maj Gen Geoffrey Keyes, Maj Gen Ernest N. Harmon and Maj Gen Jonathan W. Anderson of the US, the Grand Vizier to the Sultan walking past French Moroccan troops to car under red columned veranda. 01:25:09 Arab guard march out & line up; march off w/ French officers leading 01:25:34 Int. of empty living room; exterior past columns along path thru garden of shrubs. 01:25:51 French officer walks past Arab guards at attention, knives / swords in belt; CU Arab playing bugle w/ unit flag hanging below. 01:26:09 Slate: scratched in sand of driveway. Arabs at attention, march past. 01:26:23 LS & MS Allied military officers & Arabs posing for picture. 01:28:09 American 15th Infantry soldiers / troops doing calisthenic exercises on muddy dirt w/ pup tents behind & shoreline in background. 01:29:21 Slate: ? S 42 Col T.H. Monroe, CO, 15th Inf, & his staff eating at outdoor tables. in shade. MCUs distinctive black & white patch on left arm. 01:29:47 LS three soldiers in jeep pulling trailer over rough field troops follow in distance. Slate: S 43 LS of desert from train, broken earthen dam or ??. Tent village w/ rocks around base. Shadows soldiers riding w/ rifle on guard on railroad cars w/ equipment. S 44 MS Arab farmers w/ pack mules in Marrakech market, men & boys buying & selling. Woven mats behind. Water seller, snake charmer w/ head of large snake in mouth watched by Arabs w/ MCU of native orchestra / band musicians playing. CU snakes on ground; drummer; flute. 01:33:44 Slate: Alcock. Military offices & crowd watching street performer / magician & juggler. WW2; North Africa; Ceremony; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good color & action. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: