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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220521-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Belgium,Germany,USA
Location: Dachau,Malmedy
TC Begins: 17:57:19
TC Ends: 18:06:11
Duration: 00:08:52
Post-WWII - 1946, Germany, War Crimes Trial: Malmedy War Crimes Trial, Piper Testimony. 20Jun46 Munich No. 250. Slate: 20Jun46. Malmedy Trials. T/S Roberts, Roll 3. Woman translator beside witness, German Colonel Peiper wearing no. 43, (translation): “I was arrested for 5 weeks in a cellar which was nearly completely dark & there were no facilities thru which light could enter the room. And in the course of 4 weeks I could wash myself only once; and furthermore I didn’t have any physical exercise.” (he reads from notes): “I must admit that you are very popular...witht he exception of some personal enemies...but we shall settle this matter in a very simple way and we shall call only those...your life is completely ruined today...” 17:59:28 “ a few days the entire SS will be sentenced in Nuremberg as a criminal organization...” 17:59:39 Lawyers whisper. out of focus 17:59:58 - 18:02:08 “I could not find out by whom since I had a ? over my head, but I presume the people who did the beating were Poles.” “No only on this one occasion.” Questions in English, answer: “No, it was not true.” Q: ...that the prisoners of war must be shot where the local conditions of combat should so desire.” English questioner reads from earlier testimony. 18:03:03 US Lt. Colonel John Dwinell, 2nd in command of Malmedy Defense seen asking questions in English of Col. Peiper w/ other defendants sitting behind. 18:04:21 Map & Piper pointing to map re road leading out of town explains he called for short wait so column could close up again. Describes w/ English translation how five tanks & some half-tracks were in front of him. Post-WW2; Malmedy Massacre Aftermath; Military Justice;